BetterLiving Silicone Fibre Overlay

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A unique overlay to protect all pressure prone areas of the body by reducing pressure, friction and shear while increasing comfort.

  • Warranty: 1 year
  • Capacity: 100 kg
  • Grade: C Grade

Products are suited for use in low to medium risk care applications. Features typically include basic pressure redistribution capabilities; base functionality and ease of use; minimal infection control features. Usually suited to patients who are primarily mobile and independent but who tire quickly. Good option for home care environment.

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BetterLiving Silicone Fibre Overlay Features

The BetterLiving Silicone Fibre Overlay is a unique overlay that helps to protect all pressure-prone areas of the body by reducing pressure, friction and shear, while enhancing comfort and promoting good sleep.

The overlay is constructed from silicone coated cylindrical fibres that retain their loft and promote airflow to the skin’s surface for superior patient support and comfort. The silicone coating lubricates each fibre to reduce friction and shear force while preventing moisture penetration or retention, making it an ideal choice for geriatric or palliative care.

  • Fluid resistant silicone fibres provides extra support and comfort
  • Silicone coating reduces friction and shear while preventing moisture penetration or retention
  • Ideal for geriatric and palliative care
  • Protects pressure prone areas of the body
  • Cotton/polyester breathable cover provides maximum cool comfort

BetterLiving Silicone Fibre Overlay Documents

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